Dilatative cardiomiopathy- Lv Thrombus- AICD
Pubblicato da: Dott. Roberto Mendia il 27/11/2012

S.A., 65 y.o. female.Dilatative cardiomiopathy LVED 213 ml; EF 0.28.

Transthoracic echocardiographyc registration showing pedunculate, floating thrombus in the left ventricular cavity. Thrombotic formation is strictly near to AICD coil apex .

CT scan, showed electric AICD lead penetrating the apical myocardium at the apex of the right ventricle. Anticoagulant treatment with continuous heparin infusion was ineffective.

Thrombus was successfully removed by heart surgery.

CT scan: T = peduncolate, floating thrombus(mm 25 x 15). Lv = Left ventricle cavity. Rv Lead : electric AICD lead penetrating the apical myocardium(My).

CT scan: LA = Left atrium. Ra Lead: Electric right atrial lead for AV pacing. T = pedunculate, floating thrombus. Lv = Left ventricle cavity. Rv Lead : electric AICD lead penetrating the apical myocardium(My).
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